Centennial Campaign
Our 100th anniversary provides the opportunity to raise funds to address longstanding needs to upgrade our physical plant while at the same time developing proactive programming to attract new members & better serve our community. Below is information on our needs and the target amounts we are seeking to raise:
Building Maintenance $100,000
We are fortunate to have a beautiful sanctuary building but maintenance of this aging infrastructure has primarily been reactive rather than proactive. Last year we approved a special assessment to members ($300/member payable over 3 years) to address costs tied to maintenance of our aging physical plant. This assessment was timely as we found our HVAC system needed replacing which has now been accomplished but which has also drained much of these funds. At the same time, we recognize there are significant future unfunded needs tied to our physical plant. These needs include costs to achieve full ADA compliance (e.g. bathroom access & safe secondary egress from the sanctuary). They also include addressing possible structural issues tied to sagging in the sanctuary floor & cracks in the chimney.
Programming $25,000
We’ve tested new programming on a “boot strap” basis and believe there are significant opportunities to expand this activity to better serve existing members as well as attract new members & better connect the Synagogue to the broader Aiken community. This includes being able to pay an honorarium to guest Rabbis who we bring to lead services and/or lectures here (which to date we’ve done on a pro bono basis). This also include funding to support new and expanded programming such as celebrations tied to major Jewish holidays (Passover community Seder, Hanukkah candle lighting, Sukkot)
Outreach & Communications $25,000
Funding is needed to improve the Synagogue’s ability to connect with all its stakeholders. The creation of this 100thanniversary website is a part of this process and was funded by separate grants tied to the development of the “A Source of Light” exhibit & associated Centennial celebrations. In addition, we need to upgrade & better maintain the existing Synagogue web site as well as associated social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter). We also want to upgrade the telecommunication system at the Synagogue (e.g. adding WI-FI as well as better v-mail & call forwarding functions).
Building Improvements $50,000
We have long sought to upgrade our social hall to support more and better events. This involves renovating the kitchen as well as buying new furniture. It also includes creating a permanent display of some of our history (which will be taken from the A Source of Light Exhibit) which will be available for the entire community to see as part of open houses of the Synagogue. We also are looking to improve landscaping around the building. And we are seeking registration of our beautiful Federalist style building as a historic site.