Morris Rudnick Home
Address: 920 Pendleton St (now 134 Pendleton St NW)
Timeframe: Before 1940 – circa 1999
Current Occupant: house gone; now part of Carriage House Inn
This was the home of Morris Rudnick & his wife Sophie Halprin Rudnick. The 1940 census shows them living here with two of their children (Herbert & Harold). The 1920 census shows they previously lived on Greenville St. Sophie Rudnick continued to live here after Morris passing in 1943 until her passing in 1965. Her death certificate shows her living at 134 Pendleton St NW (the same location under Aiken’s current compass addressing system).
After Sophie’s passing, the house was owned by Herbert Rudnick and was converted into the offices of his Star Chemical business which he ran from this location until his death in 1999.
Photo from Adath Yeshurun archives, courtesy of Doris Baumgarten