BM Surasky & Mandle Surasky Home
Address: 919 Pendleton St (now 135 Pendleton St NW)
Timeframe: Before 1920 – After 1942
Current Occupant: Rudnick & Rudnick Law Firm
This house is where BM & Sarah Polier Surasky raised their children Rebecca, Jennie, Esther, Minnie, Mandle, Dora, Lillian, Florence & Isadore. The 1920 & 1930 Census list the address of 919 Pendleton St (currently 135 Pendleton St NW) as their family residence. The family was living at 5 Pendleton St in the 1900 census and the street address on Pendleton St is not listed in the 1910 census.
The house was subsequently owned by Mandle & Belle Surasky. Mandle Surasky listed this as his home address on his WWII draft card in 1942 (after marrying Belle in 1937). It is not known how long Mandle & Belle lived here. Mandle is listed as living on Dibble Drive when he passed away in 1986.
The house was later was purchased by Harold & Irene Rudnick and became the office for Irene’s law practice. That practice was later joined by her son Morris Jr and became the firm of Rudnick & Rudnick. Morris Jr continues to own the building and to practice law out of this location.
Photo from Adath Yeshurun archives, courtesy of Doris Baumgarten